
Hiring of the Sports Hall or Dance Studio
If you are a sports club that is looking for a venue during term time, Monday to Friday, we may be able to help. The school sports hall has two halls available. The main sports hall is suitable for badminton, basketball, netball, 5 aside football etc. There is also a dance studio which is small and more suitable for yoga, pilates, dance classes ec.
Swimming Pool
Our school swimming pool is used during the day in PE lessons and for local primary school lessons. Independent clubs use it out of school hours for teaching. If you wish to enquire about swimming lessons then please contact them direct.
Maelor Music Society
The Maelor Music Society has a long standing history with the school of which they are very proud of. This year, 2018/19, marks their 50th Anniversary!
A note from their Chair, Mr Geoff Mason: This is our 50th anniversary. We were founded at The Maelor School in 1968 with the aim of bringing live classical and other music to this rural corner of North Wales. We are proud of our record of attracting high quality musicians of local, regional, national and even from time to time international reputation.
All concerts take place in the Maelor School Hall. They are normally on a Wednesday evening, always at 7.30pm. To subscribe please contact Bob Evers our treasurer on 01948 770633 or Geoff Mason our Chair at [email protected]. The cost for all five conerts is £40 which makes a saving for £10 over the five concerts. Free for accompanied children under 16.
Individual tickets may also be bought on the door on the night. Adults £10; students over 16 £3; children free. Refreshments are available at the interval.