Returning to School - UPDATED 30th August

Returning to The Maelor School in September – Update for Pupils and Parents 30/8/20
In addition to previous information (below) please note the following:-
Face Coverings - In line with other Wrexham Schools and following advice from the Welsh Government, face coverings should be worn in communal area and cooridors. This will mean that Maelor School pupils will be required to bring a face covering (unless they have a medical reason), it WILL NOT be worn in lessons but should be worn in the cooridor when inside.
Should a pupil wish to wear theirs in lessons then they will be able to as a matter of choice.
Pupils should therefore bring a face covering (They are required on all school buses anyway), it is advisable that they should bring a small plastic bag to keep it in when not in use.
We are still awaiting confirmation of stops and pick up times for our buses. As you can imagine this has been difficult as the usual preparation could not take place until we knew that they could run. They will appear on the website as soon as possible - many apologies for the wait.
The Maelor School have been planning to open for all in September using the guidance provided by the Welsh Government.
The guidance can be found here:- https://gov.wales/operational-guidance-schools-and-settings-autumn-term-covid-19
I will continue to update this guide and will let you know if there are any further changes.
When do the pupils go back to school?
School will not be “normal” in September and we will have to explain all the changes that are required to the pupils in smaller groups. In addition the staff need to receive statutory training and plan / prepare their classrooms for the start of term.
All schools in the region are using the traditional training days Tuesday 1st September, Wednesday 2nd September as planning and preparing days. There will be no pupils in school on these days.
Covid Induction Days:-
Year 7,8, 10 and 13 will be in school on Thursday 3rd September.
Year 9, 11 and 12 will be in school on Friday 4th September.
Pupils should wear full uniform, travel as they would usually (buses will run) and bring equipment and their lunch.
The first half of this day will be in form groups receiving their new timetables, learning the new Covid procedures, attending a Fire drill and preparing themselves for the following week. The second half of this day will be normal lessons so they must bring suitable equipment (with the exception of PE kit).
Once this is done, ALL pupils will return to school on Monday 7th September and lessons will start immediately.
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Year 12 |
Year 13 |
Tuesday 1st September |
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Wednesday 2nd September |
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Thursday 3rd September |
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Friday 4th September |
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Monday 7th September onwards |
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PAT’s coaches, the school “paid for” transport will run as it would have prior to lockdown. The routes and times of the stops can be found on the school website under the transport section.
As the normal buses will operate outside the year group bubbles and in line with public transport, Face coverings MUST be worn. This is a requirement (unless the pupil has an additional need which prevents this). Failure to wear a face-covering and adhering to instructions may lead to the transport place being removed.
The local authority buses will run as normal, I await information as to whether face coverings are required
What are the timings of the school day?
We are running a normal school day from 8.50 until 3.30. Lesson times, lunchtime and breaktimes are unchanged. There will be slightly different arrangements for afternoon registration but this will not change afternoon lessons.
What will school be like?
Pupils will be “zoned” in the school in year group “bubbles”, they will have their normal timetable and be in their normal sets. They will have their same teachers and be in their sets / groups but the teachers will move to them. This means that they will be spending their time in school within the same 6 or 7 classrooms. Break and Lunchtime will be taken within their bubbles in zones around the school.
Once these arrangements are no longer needed (following advice from the Welsh Government) the teachers, classes and groups will remain the same, they will however, move back to being taught in specialist classrooms for their lessons.
Some lessons will be different. There will not be the same access to ICT, Technology, Art or Music classrooms and pupils will have limited access to PE. Pupils in GCSE or A level classes have had access to these specialist rooms prioritised.
What difference will I see in lessons?
The vast majority of classrooms have been changed so that pupils sit in rows and face the front, there will not be any group work and pupils will be expected to remain in the seat that they are placed in. There may be limited scope to set paper-based homework and therefore online tasks to be completed from home will be required.
Adults (Teachers and Teaching assistants) are still required to maintain distance when possible so help and support will be provided when required from a suitable distance.
What about uniform and equipment?
As per the guidance pupils will be expected to wear full school uniform, This includes blazers and shoes (not trainers) and PE kit when needed. Details of our uniform can be found here:-
Pupils must have their own pens, pencils, calculators etc. It will not be possible to lend such items out
What about food and the canteen?
The canteen will not be open at breaktime. Pupils should bring a snack and a drink with them. At lunchtime there will be a very limited menu and it is strongly advised that at least for the first few weeks packed lunches should be brought by all. Those who qualify for free school meals will be able to access a meal.
Keeping safe
Face-covernings must be worn on the bus. There is no requirement to wear them for the rest of the time in school. If a pupil wants to they will be able to without question. Staff have the option to wear suitable PPE as well. Each teaching room will have hand sanitisers, pupils may bring their own small supply if they wish. Different year groups will be restricted to the toilets that they can use.
Pupils will need to be mindful of social distancing and must not leave their zone to meet with others from different year groups.
6th form pupils will need to maintain social distancing when they are not in specific lessons.
Other issues
Initially we will not be able to hold full year group assemblies. Video based messages will be shown in tutor time.
There is a new block being built at the school behind the sports hall. Pupils must follow appropriate signage to ensure that they keep safe.
Some content has been removed from the programme of study for Year 11 , 12 and 13 in order to compensate for missing time. We will be providing each pupil with this information during the Autumn term. We await further updates from the exam board.