News & Events
GCSE Results

The Maelor School – GCSE Results Press Release.The Maelor School continues to deliver some of the best GCSE outcomes in the country.Pupils were celebrating at The Maelor School this morning as they picked up their GCSE results. The results continue to be amongst the best in Wales with around a third achieving at least 5A*s and A’s.Headteacher Simon Ellis stated, “It’s really pleasing to see the pupils achieve such excellent...
Outstanding A level Results

Continuing our record of Outstanding A Level ResultsStudents at The Maelor School picked up their A level results this morning and their hard work has been reflected in outstanding grades. Around 32% of all grades awarded were A* or A grades, more than 60% A*-B and more than 80% at A*-C.Director of Sixth Form, Penny Ellwood said “An outstanding year group, they have been an absolute delight to work with, thoroughly dedicated to their studies...
Peripatetic music lessons

Peripatetic music lessons:Applications for peripatetic music tuition are now open.If you would like your child to receive music lessons in school next year please complete the Google Form below, this allows us to book sufficient hours from each tutor (this is for pupils wishing to start lessons and those already learning). Once this has been received and processed you will receive a contract letter to complete and sign confirming your lesson booking...
Expressive Arts Summer Showcase

New Headteacher chosen

The governing body of The Maelor School are pleased to announce that the new Headteacher will be Mrs Leanne Eyre. She is currently Deputy Headteacher of the Elfed High School in Flintshire and takes over from September.
Autumn Concert

Come along to our fabulous concert, tickets available from reception or on the door.