Maths Geniuses "Best in region"

A team of 4 students from The Maelor School will compete against teams from across the United Kingdom for this year's Team Maths Challenge trophy. The team finished in first place at the Regional Final held in Colwyn Bay and won the opportunity to compete in the National Final at the Royal Horticultural Halls in London on Monday 15 June 2020. Over 1500 schools entered the competition and 88 have qualified to take part in the final.
The team comprised of :-
Bruce Cwalinski 9GT
Lucas Hill 9DD
Joe Griffiths 8GD
Kirsty Hoskisson-Craven 8CD
Maths Teacher Gemma Stockton commented " The team are so happy and I'm really proud of them. They did brilliantly in every round."
Simon Ellis Headteacher "We have some outstanding students in the school and I am so pleased for this amazing group of young people, we wish them the best of luck in the Final"