Latest Covid Information 14th December 2021

Dear Parents, Carers, Pupils and Students.
As you will probably be aware all schools in Wrexham will move to “online” learning for the final three days of term 20th-22nd December.
Online Learning
Lesson materials and online learning resources will be placed on lesson google classrooms; we expect pupils to follow their usual timetables. Live elements of the lessons will be conducted through TEAMS or GOOGLE MEET, a link to the relevant meeting will again be in the appropriate classroom. All our online learning codes and offer can be found here:-
If you have any difficulties accessing the content, please email our Deputy Headteacher [email protected]
FLU Vaccine
Consent forms have been sent home for the nasal flu vaccine (not covid) which was going to take place next Tuesday. This will now take place THIS THURSDAY 16th DECEMBER. All pupils should bring into school their completed permission forms on Thursday, they will not be allowed to have the vaccine if they have not got their form.
Critical Workers and vulnerable learners
Pupils who are children of Critical Workers (guidance can be found here:- https://gov.wales/identifying-children-critical-workers-guidance) or those that the school has identified as vulnerable may attend our Critical Workers provision. In this provision pupils will be supervised to complete the work set on the google classroom as they would if they had remained at home. The provision will start at 8.45am and run until 3.30pm, (there is no before or after school provision available.) Places on this provision must be booked in advance by emailing [email protected] with the following information – Name, Year, Form, Detail of critical worker role, days required. If any pupils taking up this offer also receive free school transport, I will need to be aware of this by 5pm Wednesday 15th December to meet the Local Authority transport deadline.
The school are unable to afford to run the “Pats Coaches” transport next week, refunds will be made to accounts, please be patient with us as these take some time to process.
Reindeer Run
Many pupils had signed up for our Reindeer Run in aid of Nightingale House. This will now take place this FRIDAY 17th December at 12.50pm (Lunchtime)
Friday 17th December
Our pupils have been fantastic throughout all the disruption and difficulties faced over the past few months. Although not the last day of term, we would like the pupils to wear non-uniform this Friday / Christmas jumpers. Please bring £1 for our chosen charities. There will be normal lessons on this day.
Student Council
Our online student council meeting scheduled at 4.30 pm on Monday 20th December via teams will still go ahead with those who can make it. It will be recorded and sent out for those unable to attend.
As far as we are aware we start back on January 10th for all year groups as normal, should this change, I will update you during the Christmas break.
Important Contact Information
If there are any issues or you need to contact us, we will be available in school on the usual numbers, we can also be contacted via email on the following:-
Safeguarding, child protection concerns or ALN provision [email protected]
6th form issues pastoral or learning :-
GCSE / Examination or Assessment Issues:-
Pastoral , Bullying or Wellbeing concerns:-
Any other issues
Lastly, may I take this opportunity to thank you for the support, patience, and flexibility in these most unusual of times. I hope you all enjoy Christmas, and we look forward to a happy, productive, and most importantly “normal” new year.
Simon Ellis