Information for Year 13

1st July 2020
Dear Parent / Carer
Year 13.
Centre Assessed Grades
I thought I would write to you to clarify the situation regarding exams this year and the ongoing processes.
The teaching staff have spent considerable time looking at the evidence available to provide a likely grade for each subject studied. This is known as the Centre Assessed Grade. (CAG). These have been uploaded to the exam board (in most cases the WJEC) along with a rank order of pupils’ abilities in each subject. I wanted you to know that we have not just replicated the “mock” grades, but have used all our previous expertise alongside ALL available evidence.
The exam board is now undergoing a process which will also use any data they have to hand on a pupil including previous performance in examinations, alongside the previous performance of the school to adjust these grades so as to ensure that similar numbers of grades are awarded this year as with previous years. Therefore, the exam board may either change the CAG up or down to create a final grade. The school will not receive these final grades until examination results day as normal.
Contacting the school and appeals
The exam board has labelled any attempt to obtain or influence the production of CAG grades or the ranking as “malpractice”, so please do not ask the school what grades have been submitted.
We await to hear final details from the exam board regarding the steps that a candidate can take if they are unhappy with the final grade awarded.
Exam fees and retakes of AS levels
In the vast majority of cases where a pupil was retaking an AS in addition to their A level, we have kept their AS entry in place and awarded a CAG as above. This has been done to ensure that the exam board have sufficient evidence to show how pupil performance may have improved rather than just leaving the previous AS performance in place. We have had a number of queries regarding pupils who have paid for these entries, in response the school has not yet heard back from the examination board as to whether the school will be charged for these AS entries and we have not received any money back. When and if we do we will of course refund where possible.
Results Day (Thursday 13th August)
We are still awaiting guidance on how collection of results will look. We aim to replicate as closely as possible the previous procedures of collection in the school, being on hand to congratulate or provide support if required. Please keep an eye on the website and our social media where we will post the latest information before the day.
We remain committed to ensure that you still receive the best advice and support possible, please feel free to contact us if you would like to talk any matter through.
Year 13 Leaving Dinner
We plan to reschedule this event in the final weeks of the Christmas term which will coincide with the university breaks. We will let you know the details as soon as we can.
Yours sincerely
Simon Ellis